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Animal Kingdom Season 2 Episode 1

Animal Kingdom Season 2 Episode 1 Recap: The Unthinkable Move of the Cody Boys


The season premiere of "Animal Kingdom" Season 2 began with a risky heist gone wrong, causing the Cody boys to point fingers at their matriarch, Smurf (Ellen Barkin). This unexpected move sends shockwaves through the family, leading to strained relationships and a drastic shift in their dynamic.

Episode Highlights

In the aftermath of the botched heist, the Cody boys confront Smurf, accusing her of setting them up to fail. This accusation ignites a fierce argument, leaving the family divided and their trust in Smurf shaken.

Baz struggles to cope with being a single parent after his split from Lucy. His lack of experience and emotional turmoil lead to difficulties in caring for his son, J.

Deran, eager to break free from Smurf's control, makes plans to start his own business ventures. However, his ambitious ideas face obstacles and skepticism from his family.

Streaming Information

Currently, "Animal Kingdom" Season 2 can be streamed on Amazon Prime Video. You can also rent or buy the season on various platforms such as Apple TV, Google Play, and Vudu.
